Sunday, July 21, 2013

Core Quality: Witnessing

Is witnessing just watching? According to this is how they define witnessing:

verb (used with object)
to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception: to witness an accident.

to be present at (an occurrence) as a formal witness, spectator, bystander, etc.: She witnessed our wedding.

to bear witness to; testify to; give or afford evidence of.

to attest by one's signature: He witnessed her will.

verb (used without object)
to bear witness; testify; give or afford evidence.

As a Core Quality it is more than just this definition. It is watching what is happening all around you all the time. Watching without becoming involved either physically or emotionally. Once we become involved in any way we become a part of what is going on around us. There are times when our interference is not needed nor appreciated. Being able to just see what is happening is enough.

There are part of our subconscious that now exactly hot to witness without any judgments or emotional ties to what we are witnessing. It is from these parts of ourselves that we can learn how to be a witness without changing the scene that we are witnessing.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Core Quality: Inner Peace

What is Inner Peace? I found this definition on Wikipedia, it sums it up very well:

Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss,happiness and contentment.

We can have moments of inner peace when life itself is quiet. The trick is to have inner peace when the world around us is noisy, bothersome, and intrusive. There is a part of our subconscious that knows exactly how to have inner peace at all times no matter what is going on around us.

As core quality we all have the means to reach inner peace. We have to listen to the part of our inner selves that knows how to achieve this state. As with the other core qualities I have already discussed, and the others that I have yet to write about, Integral Deep Listening allows those parts of our inner selves to impart their suggestions on what we should do. Even if we only reach inner peace a little at a time, that is a bit of peace that we didn't have before and can be built upon.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Core Quality: Acceptance

What is acceptance? This is how it is defined in

1. the act of taking or receiving something offered.

2. favorable reception; approval; favor.

3. the act of assenting or believing: acceptance of a theory.

4. the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable.

As a core quality this is only the surface of what it means. Sometimes acceptance means acknowledging something that we don't necessarily agree with, it's a fact that we have to accept. We don't have to agree with it, like it, or even support it, we just have to accept it for what it is. I like to use the analogy of the rising of the sun. I am not a morning person and the sun always rises way to early for me, I don't like it yet I have to accept that it will rise in it's appointed time. I can't change it either.

Some believe that acceptance means that we agree with someone or something. That is not the case. To accept something means that we accept that it is there or that it is what someone believes to be true. We don't have to agree with someone just to accept their opinion on something. We don't even have to like what we are being asked to accept. We just have to accept it.

There are parts of our subconscious that understand what it means to accept what is around us and are willing to share their insights on how to be more accepting.